Get Info ('I')

cmd-ID cmd-data
PC -> uC ‘I’ = 0x49 -
PC <- uC ‘I’ = 0x49 type_0 size_0 [RS] [type_n] [size_n]

  • type_n:
    0x00 = memory alignment (given in size_n; typically 1 or 4; example: memory alignment = 4 -> addresses are a multiple of 4)
    0x01 = pointer
    0x02 = bool
    0x03 = char
    0x04 = short
    0x05 = int
    0x06 = long
    0x07 = float
    0x08 = double
    0x09 = long double
    0x0A = time-stamp units in µs (uses 4 bytes for size_n!)
  • size_n = size of ‘type denoted by type_x’ in bytes
    note: for type_n = 0x0A -> 4 bytes, LSB first, MSB last
  • RS = record separator (0x33)
  • by using a record separator, types can be added in the future, or omitted by the slave without problems