.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-2023 Jochem Rutgers SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 Components ========== Components are C++ classes that use store objects for input/output/parameters/control. This let's you easily tune and debug an application. The instances of these classes are tuned at compile-time to reflect the objects in the store. Especially, no resources are used for (optional) fields that do not exist in the store, and all store lookups in the directory are done at compile-time. You need C++14 (or later), though. Check out the ``components`` and ``control`` examples. stored::Amplifier ----------------- .. doxygenclass:: stored::Amplifier stored::FirstOrderFilter ------------------------ .. doxygenclass:: stored::FirstOrderFilter There are ``stored::LowPass`` and ``stored::HighPass`` aliases for the corresponding ``stored::FistOrderFilter`` template parameters. stored::PID ----------- .. doxygenclass:: stored::PID stored::PinIn ------------- .. doxygenclass:: stored::PinIn stored::PinOut -------------- .. doxygenclass:: stored::PinOut stored::PulseWave ----------------- .. doxygenclass:: stored::PulseWave stored::Ramp ------------ .. doxygenclass:: stored::Ramp stored::Sine ------------ .. doxygenclass:: stored::Sine