libstored image/svg+xml libstored double velo;int x = 42;double pid_p = 0.5;double pid_i = 0.1;double pid_d = 0.3; double veloint=42 x{ double=0.5 p double=0.1 i double=0.3 d} pid Store definition Application data + initialization+ get/set hooks+ run-time name lookup+ iterators C++ library Store Anotherstore Yet anotherstore generate Debugger Segmentation Retransmit CRC ASCII escape Terminal inject Retransmit Buffer ZeroMQ Debugger client(PC) Device/process/node TCP UART (lossy) CAN TCP UART (lossy) CAN Synchronizer Store Anotherstore Device/process/node/FPGA Synchronizer Anotherstore Device/process/node Synchronizer Debugger This is your data. Based on a description,the C++ and cmake filesare generated. So, this is your store. You can a have as manystores and instancesas you want. The Debugger knowsall stores and providesa protocol to access them. Depending on the hardware ofyour device, a set of protocol layerscan be combined to provide accessto the Debugger from the outside. libstored provides a pythonGUI client and class, whichcan be used to base customscripts or GUI upon. Like the Debugger, the protocolstack can be assembled, asrequired by the device. Stores can be synchronizedbetween instances. Anytopology can be constructed.Any (sub)set of stores, at anyupdate frequency... libstored LGPLv3, gcc/MSVC/clang/armcc,Linux, Windows, Mac, bare metalC++98 and higher, VHDL,Xilinx Vivado
  1. Application data
  2. Store definition
  3. Store
  4. Stores
  5. Debugger
  6. Protocol stack
  7. Debugger client
  8. Synchronizer
  9. Overview